Drink Cherry Juice For Managing Gout Flare-Ups

Gout Flare Management
Gout Flare Management
Gout Treatment
Gout Treatment

Gout affects 4% of the adult population of the United States, according to the Arthritis Foundation. Currently, around 2 million women and 6 million men in the US have this inflammatory condition.  Gout is caused by an accumulation of uric acid in the body. If you have gout, you will most likely have excruciating inflammation in your joints, especially your feet. Frequent gout attacks, often known as flare-ups, are characterized by a sudden development of pain and swelling.

Doctors usually prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, a low-purine diet, lifestyle changes, etc. for managing this condition. They often recommend adding cherry juice to your gout diet because it can help with the gout treatment.

Cherry Juice For Gout Treatment

Gout flare-ups are treated with cherry juice, which lowers the body’s uric acid level. Gout is caused by uric acid accumulation; thus, cherry juice could help prevent or manage gout flare-ups easily. In a 2011 study, patients who drank 8 ounces of 100% tart cherry juice daily for 4 weeks had lower serum uric acid levels.  Cherry juice isn’t the only thing that can help people with gout lower their uric acid levels; cherry juice concentrate does as well.

Drinking cherry juice concentrate reduced uric acid levels in the blood, according to a pilot study conducted in 2012. The cherry extract was proven to be more efficient at reducing uric acid levels than pomegranate concentrate in one section of the trial. Cherry juice concentrate was found to dramatically minimize gout flare-ups when eaten for four months or more, according to a retrospective component of the study.

In 2012, one of the most thorough research on gout and cherry juice was completed. The research examined 633 people who had gout. According to the researchers, a 35 % decrease in the incidence of gout attacks was observed when the participants ate at least 10 cherries every day. The mixture of cherries and allopurinol, a uric acid-lowering drug, lowered the incidence of gout attacks by 75%. Cherries, according to the research, lower uric acid levels because they contain anthocyanins, which are the pigments that give cherries their color.

Final Thoughts

It’s doubtful that you’ll experience an allergic response unless you’re allergic to cherries. Like all foods, cherries should be consumed in moderation. If you consume too much cherry juice or consume too many cherries, you may experience diarrhea. Cherry juice can help you stay on track with your medicine and make positive lifestyle choices. Always check with your doctor before trying any natural remedies.